
LONKEY--Simplicity Philosophy Simplifies Life
  LONKEY advocates a life attitude of “LIFE SHOULD BE LIGHT” and core values of simplicity, quality and life aesthetics, to bring an easy, relaxing and excellent lifestyle for consumers. In 2016, the brand developed a new generation of laundry products--LONKEY laundry detergent capsule. The laundry detergent capsule with a layer of water soluble membrane will be dissolved instantly as soon as it is put into the water. This amazing technology has made the portion  packaging of laundry detergent a reality. Just two steps, washing clothes is no longer a troublesome task for the consumers: take out a laundry detergent capsule and throw it into the washing machine. LONKEY wants to return to the source of life, simplifies your life, seeks perfection in every detail and focuses on the experience of users. It keeps satisfying the expectation of consumers in life and creating surprises for their life.

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