
“Tiger Head Battery, a Giant in Global Battery Market”
  Tiger Head battery is mainly sold to more than 70 countries and regions such as Africa, Middle East, America, Europe and Southeast Asia and becomes a globally known battery brand. Its first exported to foreign markets can date back to the 1950s. It is one of the earliest products to be shown on the stage of the world market after the foundation of New China. Tiger Head battery enjoys a global reputation, remains a dominant player in Africa for a long time and has become a brand well-known to every household. In the eyes of African customers, the brand “Tiger Head” is a synonym of high-quality battery. The believe in “Become stronger in the face of strong rivals and never yield to the rivals” makes Tiger Head battery what it is today. It has been honored as a Guangdong/Guangzhou Famous Trademark and a Guangzhou Time-honored Brand for years. It is also an export brand developed in priority by the Ministry of Commerce of China.

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