
    The brand “Ligongmin” was established in 1923. Its owner Guangzhou Ligongmin Knitwear Co., Ltd. became the first enterprise in the knitwear industry of China to win a national silvery medal for quality in 1979. In 2011, it became the only China Time-honored Brand in the apparel industry in Guangdong Province. In 2012, it was honored as “Advanced Organization for Carrying forward and Innovating China Time-honored Brand”, “Top Ten Guangdong Souvenirs”, “Quality Products Most Popular in Guangdong and Macau” and “Guangzhou Top 60 Brand”. In 2014, Ligongmin won the awards “Guangzhou Top 100 Brands of Most Popular among Consumers” and “Brand Enterprises with Fastest Growth” from Guangzhou Association of Entrepreneurs.   Ligongmin Company has brands such as “Ligongmin”, “Deer”, “Autumn Cicada” and “Black Sister”, among which the trademarks “Ligongmin” and “Deer” were respectively certified as a “Guangzhou Famous Trademark” and won national silver medals and the honor of quality products for times.    Brand tenet: Starting from Quality, Putting Credit First, Benefiting People’s health

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