
  LONKEY  is specialized in the cleaning and care of fabrics, providing quality fabric cleaning and care products for all modern families pursuing healthy and comfortable life. It has been very popular among the consumers and has won such honors as China Well-known Trademark, Guangzhou Famous Trademark and Guangdong Famous Trademark. In 2006, LONKEY made an innovation in the daily chemical industry by using natural and renewable bio-based surfactant MES extracted from plants to develop and produce naturally environment-friendly products such as MES concentrated washing powder, MES natural soap powder and MES laundry detergent. Because of this achievement, LONKEY had established a benchmark for the production and application of the industry with recyclable and renewable natural materials and led the industry in green and sustainable development. In the 2017 Eleventh Selection of  China’s Top 500 Brand Value, LONKEY ranked 439 with a brand value of RMB 8.549 billion. LONKEY has always been revolved around consumers and insisted on creating a green, clean and comfortable life for every family.

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