
Triangle--Create a Smart Life
  Founded in 1963, the brand Triangle is mainly specialized in the rice cookers production. Its products are sold to Southeast Asia and have been reputed all time. For 50 years, the brand has been committed to providing consumers with reliable and affordable electric appliances relying on its classic producing processes and unremitting innovation. It has extended from the field of rice cooker to all kitchen appliances other household electric appliance. The products are sold both domestic and overseas. So far, Triangle products include rice cooker, electric kettle, electric pressure cooker, non-electric pressure cooker, electromagnetic oven, smoke exhaust ventilator, cooking utensils, water heater, fridge, commercial kitchen equipment and air cleaner, with an annual output and sales volume of over 10 million sets. Some products secure top position in terms of sales volume in the domestic market. It has become a China Well-known Trademark, a Guangzhou famous trademark and a Guangzhou Time-honored Brand.

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