
Shuangqiao Gourmet Powder
  Born in 1943, Shuangqiao Gourmet Powder has remained young after growing and developing for more than 70 years and spanning two centuries. Carrying on the tenet of “Offering Quality Products and Services at Reasonable Price”, the company has worked hard on quality, sought after perfection and established a good reputation among the customers in China and abroad. “Shuangqiao” gourmet powder has won the national gold medal for quality products, and been honored as a famous trademark of Guangdong and Guangzhou, a brand of China, Guangdong, and Guangzhou, and a traditional brand of Guangzhou. After so many years of development, the brand has expanded from gourmet powder to seasonings and condiments, including chicken extract, chicken sauce, essence of chicken and cornstarch. The brand keeps in pace with the times and remains young and vigorous.

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