

  Founded in Guangzhou in 1964, the brand “Diamond” is one of the earliest household appliance brands of China. It replaced the hand fan of mother. It became the only electrical appliance at home in childhood. It was one of the three wedding dowries in the south of China in the era of educated youth. Spread from south to north, it embarked on a Silk Road in the era of electric fan and changed the life of Chinese people from then on. During the 1970s and 80s, the “Diamond” electric fan had been sold to more than 50 countries and regions such as Asia and Europe and it is still reputed in the Southeast Asia until today and became a typical example of Guangdong goods. The “Diamond” electric fan has ranked top among the peers in these years, with an annual output and sales volume of near 8 million sets. It has become a reputed Well-known Trademark of China, a famous trademark of Guangzh🔯ou and a traditiona𒊎l brand of Guangzhou.

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