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Guangzhou Textiles Holdings Limited won the Canton Fair Design Award again

  Recently, Guangzhou Textiles Holdings Limited won The 2023 Canton Fair Design Award.

  It was reported that a total of 2,284 products from 1,288 organizations were enrolled this year, a new record. 29 judges rated the product on innovation, function, quality, beauty, environmental protection and other dimensions. After multiple rounds of selection, the company's candidacy product -- AZO free functional trench coat stood out and won the "Bronze Award of the 2023 Canton Fair Design Award in Fashion Lifestyle category".

  The award-winning product is made of High-tech iced ammonia fabric, combined with the "zero dye lock color" technology. The appearance of the product adopts a detachable design, which can change the style of wearing at will. The back of the product is also designed with a hidden storage bag. After folding the trench coat for storage, it is transformed into a portable handbag, which is not only fashionable and beautiful, but also convenient and practical.
  Brave to take the lead and strive for new development, the company promotes transformation by reform, promotes development by innovation, gives full play to the functions of TIT brand R & D design center, integrates R & D design with production and marketing, which can not only grasp the differences in the needs of different customers in various markets, but also provide customers with professional and personalized quality services in the first time.

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