
Guangzhou Baihua Flavor and Fragrance Co. Ltd.
  Founded in 1956, after developing and growing for 60 years, G.B.F.F. Co. Ltd. officially became the first integrated manufacturer of flavour and fragrance listing in the National Equities Exchange and Quotations in 2016. Main products include the brand “Guangzhou”, which has won such honors as the Guangdong Top Brand, Guangdong Famous Trademark, Guangzhou Famous Trademark and Guangzhou Time-honored Brand. G.B.F.F. Co. Ltd. organizes the design, development, production and service in strict accordance with ISO22000 and ISO9001 quality systems and has reached an international advanced level. Its products sell well nationwide and are exported to other countries including Japan, the US, France and Southeast Asia and regions such as Taiwan and Hong Kong. As a high-tech enterprise of Guangdong, G.B.F.F. Co. Ltd. actively develops and manufactures cutting-edge products and is committed to establishing a professional technical service system. It has been granted several invention patents and won several awards such as the Guangdong Science and Technology Award and the High-tech Products Award. Meanwhile, it has established a quality inspection department to fulfill its quality commitment and carried out in-depth researches in such areas as microbial detection. G.B.F.F. Co. Ltd. devoted itself to developing an aromatic, healthy life for customers and making a significant contribution to the prosperity of flavour and fragrance industry in China.

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