
Guangzhou Packaging & Printing Group Co., Ltd.
   Guangzhou Packaging and Printing Group Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Packaging Company”), established in 1996, is a state-owned large-scale packaging and printing enterprise, affiliated to Guangzhou Light Industry and Trade Group Ltd. In 2017, the Packaging Company's operating revenue was 333 million yuan and its main business income was 310 million yuan. As of 2017, Packaging Company has 461 employees and its state-owned holding enterprises and shareholding enterprises add up to 16 units. It is one of the largest packaging and printing enterprises in China.

   In-depth implementation of the spirit of the 19th People’s Congress of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important speeches and with the proper guidance of the Guangzhou Light Industry Group, the Packaging Company regards “the 13th Five-Year Plan” as development guideline, constantly emancipating the mind, adjusting the business strategy, seizing the main busi𝕴nesses development, promoting independent innovation, integrating ⛄internal and external resources, and promoting the enterprise with quality and efficiency improvement.

  The business of the Packaging Company is composed of four major sections,which are security and anti-counterfeit, packaging and printing, cultural creativity and special paper industry. These four major sections integrated creative design, brand marketing, craft product design, cultural gifts, anti-counterfeiting design and development, security ticket printing, personalized digital printing, business portfolio printing, label printing, plastic flexible packaging, packaging and decoration printing, PET / PE bottle production, anti-counterfeit bill paper, special paper products and so on. As a comprehensive enterprise group, Packaging Company forms a completed industrial chain which concludes papermaking, trading, designing, printing, packaging and products. The Packaging Company built a business model with its own characteristics. In 2017, the Packaging Company continued to rank as a top 100 printing companies in China and won the honorary title of Guangzhou Most Socially Responsible Enterprise. Its subsidiary, The People's Printing of Guangzhou Co., Ltd, won the title of Guangdong Famous Trademark and Guangzhou Top 100 Branding Enterprise. Another subsidiary, Guangzhou Dongfanghong Printing Co., Ltd. won the title of High-tech Enterprise and the 5th Integrity Printing Enterprise.

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