
Guangzhou Light Holdings Ltd.
  Established in 1956, Guangzhou Light Holdings Limited (GZLI.) is one of the earliest state-owned foreign trade companies since the founding of New China. Main business of GZLI includes import and export trade, domestic trade, warehousing and logistics. With a prominent status in the industry, GZLI is rated among Top 500 enterprises of China’s service sector, Top 500 enterprises of Guangdong and Top 100 service providers of Guangdong. GZLI is also a part-time vice chairman organization of China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Light Industrial Products and Arts-Crafts. As a leading import and export trade enterprise of Guangzhou, GZLI maintains cooperation with more than 1,500 suppliers.   After developing for more than 60 years, GZLI has fostered advantages in three aspects. First, business reputation: GZLI has cultivated a batch of professional foreign trade teams. Second, brand resources: Two famous brands, Triangle and Diamond, run by the company for more than 50 years, are China Well-known Trademarks and Guangdong Famous Trademarks. Besides, GZLI has a batch of export brands. Third, warehouse resources: GZLI has two warehouses in Guangzhou, Shaxi warehouse and Shima warehouse.

  During the 13th 5-Year Plan, GZLI focuses on three fields: professional supply chain for international trade, integrated service for foreign trade and brand economy. Main products exported by GZLI include household appliances, building materials, appar💦el, tire, musical instrument, sports supplies and household supplies, while the main products imported include copper concentrate and chemical products.

  Keeping up with industrial development, GZLI innovates its foreign trade pattern constantly.  The integrated service platform for foreign trade has been approved as one of the first batch of pilot enterprises in Guangdong Province. Grasping the development opportunities of Nanshan Free Trade Zone, GZLI has built a platform and conducted bonded processing business.   Looking ahead, GZLI aims to become a large international trade service group with high benefit, endogenous energy with outer extension and value creativity, and join hands with quality clients at domestic and abroad to usher in a brighter future.

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