
Guangzhou Yuexiu Petty Loan Co., Ltd.
  Established in May 2012, the company was co-established by Guangzhou Yuexiu Financial Holding🌊 Group with Guangzhou Radio Group, Guangzhou Light Industry & Trade Group, Guangzhou Port Group and Guangdong Nanfang Media Group, with a registered capital of 300 million Yuan. It is the first wholly state-owned petty loan company in Guangdong Province and also the largest one. Since its establishment, the company has insisted on progressing in stability and integrity management and has won high recognition from supervisory departments and peers. It has successively been selected as a council member of China Association of Petty Loan Companies, a vice 🐼chairman organization of Guangdong Association of Petty Loan Companies, a vice chairman organization of Guangzhou Association of Petty Loan Companies and a vice chairman organization of Guangzhou Chamber of Commerce for Informal Finance.   In the face of complex and changeful external economic environment, the petty loan industry has shifted from a growth period to a deep regulation period. By deepening the adjustment of its strategic direction, the company has promoted each work in an orderly manner under the strategic positioning of “focusing on fixed industrial clusters, building petty loan with Yuexiu characteristics” and the guiding thought of “promoting transformation with model innovation and stabilizing growth by structural adjustment”. It strives to develop the individual consumption credit business, expanded its client resources around the circles of Yuexiu, shareholders, state-owned enterprises and listed companies and gradually transitioned from clients with a high return on a high risk to the clients with mid and low risks. Besides, it has achieved massive, standardized and process-based business by fully integrating each segment and shareholder resources under Yuexiu Group, designing integrated financial products, adopting differentiated business strategies and developing diversified credit products such as employee fund, consumer fund, bill fund and factoring credit. With excellent and efficient service quality and innovative financial products, the company provides clients with all-round value-added services, achieves a sustainable development of “innovation, service, joint growth”, with an aim to become an excellent petty loan company taking the lead and with the greatest size and influence in China. From its opening in June 2012 to the end of 2017, it had served more than 2,600 clients, extended loans of more than 4 billion Yuan in accumulation, paid a tax of nearly 73.69 million Yuan, making a big contribution to the economic development of the region.

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