
Guangzhou Chengpeng Industry Co., Ltd.
  The company is an enterprise mainly specialized in the research, development and manufacture of charging equipment for electric vehicles and smart operation service of charging piles (stations), registered in Conghua district, Guangzhou with a registered capital of 50 million Yuan. Guangzhou Light Industry & Trade Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Group) invested 15.50 million Yuan to hold shares of the company, accounting for 31% of its shares. The company is a supplier integrating technical research and development, investment and operation and providing overall solutions of charging piles. Located in Guangzhou, with the background of a state-owned enterprise, it boasts advantages in terms of capital, location, technology and service.   To respond to the appeal of Guangzhou government, the company actively constructs charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, operates charging stations, expands the supporting services and constructs related stations. At present, the charging station of the bus terminal at Tiantaier Road in Science Park of Guangzhou Development Zone has been completed and put into operation officially. In 2018, it will invest to build more than 10 new charging stations, with a total investment of more than 50 million Yuan, and build 500 charging piles to meet the charging demands of more than a thousand public buses.


60KW Integrated DC Charging Pile

180KW Integrated Four-gun DC Charging Pile

7KW AC Charging Pile

2*7KW AC Charging Pile

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