
Guangzhou Xiangxue Asia Beverages Co., Ltd.
  Founded in the 1940s, Guangzhou Asia Soda Water Factory was a producing enterprise of soda water with the longest history in Guangdong Province. The classical Asia soda water had been popular among the customers of the province, Hong Kong, Macau and South China over the years for its “sufficient aeration and flavor”. It had ever won many honors such as a time-honored brand of Guangzhou, the third brand of carbonic acid beverages of South China, Top 10 beverage brands of Guangdong, an excellent brand in the food industry of Guangdong, and a famous trademark of Guangzhou. Asia Soda Water Factory had been quiet after incidents such as merger and acquisition by foreign capital and stock right transfer. In May 2009, Guangzhou Light Industry Group and Xiangxue Pharmaceutical co-founded Guangzhou Xiangxue Asia Beverages Co., Ltd. and made joint efforts to reshape the brand Asia, fully implement the double strategies of products/brand and arouse the vitality of the brand. These years it has also released healthy plant drinks including Jindian Soy Milk, Asia Energy, Asia Soy Milk, Yingyuantang Ready-to-drink Enzyme and Asia Boquan, sparing no effort to build a large platform of healthy beverages.

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