
Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.

  As a holding enterprise directly affiliated to the State Assets Regulatory Commission of Guangzhou, the company’s predecessor was the Rural Credit Cooperative of Guangzhou. On June 20, 2017, it was listed at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with a registered capital of 9,808,268,539 Yuan. By the end of 2017, it had 626 business outlets and 7,778 employees. In 2017, Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank was ranked 89th in the “Top 500 banks of Asia in 2016” selected by the journal The Asian Banker, ranked 2nd among the banks of Guangdong selected. Its H share was selected as a “Hang Seng Composite Index constituent stock” and was also included into the “Hang Seng China H Share Financial Industry Index”, “Hang Seng HK Stock China’s Mainland Bank Index” and the list of HK stocks under Shenzhen-Hong Kong stock, and ranked 34th among the “Top 100 of China’s banking industry” released by China Banking Association. It was honored as the “best brand rural commercial bank” by the periodical office of China, The Chinese Banker, and as “the best rural commercial bank of the year” by Financial Times.

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