
Guangzhou Automobile Group LLC
  Established on June 28, 2005, Guangzhou Automobile Group LLC. (hereinafter referred to as the Group) is headquartered in Zhujiang New Town, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, now staffed by more than 84,000 employees. It is the first large state-owned holding automobile group listed in Shares A+H as a whole in China. Its predecessor was Guangzhou Automobile Group Limited established in June 1997. Since 2013, the Group has ranked among Fortune 500 for five years in a row. In 2017, it ranked 238th among the enterprises of the world and 52nd among the top 500 enterprises of China. Insisting on joint venture cooperation and independent innovation, its business covers research and development and manufacturing of whole vehicles (cars, motorbikes) and components and parts, automobile trading service and automobile finance. It has become one of the automobile groups with the most complete industrial chain in China and the first corporation in the domestic automobile industry to be granted with several non-banking financial licenses such as insurance, insurance brokerage, automobile finance, capital, finance and finance lease. At present, under the Group are dozens of well-known enterprises and research institutions such as GAC Motor, GAC Honda, GAC Toyota, GAC Mitsubishi, GAC Fiat Chrysler and GAC Research Institute.

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